Growing up I did odd chores for my parents to earn a little pocket money which was promptly spent on treats from the local dairy. In the 1980’s I got my first bank account which was a government initiative of the day, which encouraged all school kids to make regular Post Bank savings account deposits. I eagerly banked my pocket money, with the objective of getting a skateboard. Investing for longer term aims was a foreign concept.
Children and even young adults have very near-term goals and objectives. Realising this those that have children and grandchildren often have a much longer-term perspective and want to provide for their future prosperity and well-being. This is often seen as a separate objective to providing for their own retirement.
Your goals may be to aid towards an education fund, first home or leaving the legacy of a healthy investment portfolio to your children and grandchildren to provide some income support towards their growing families, or an investment growth portfolio that may boost their retirement savings.
For other clients it’s about having something left over to pass on as a legacy. It may be that you wish to provide for your own well-being, without dipping into the principle funds to much, so that you are preserving an inheritance to leave your children and grandchildren.
Whatever your investment objectives and strategy, Maxim Financial Advisors would like to understand your circumstances and assist you towards creating a solution that might suit you and your family.
This article reflects general views and opinions of Maxim Financial Markets Limited at the time of publication. Nothing within the article should be relied upon as a basis for making any investment decision. Please contact us to seek specific investment advice before making any investment decision. A Financial Advisor disclosure statement is available upon request.