The media is very quick to highlighted any loss in value of both local and global equities, but often the revivals that followed received little coverage. One can only conclude negative headlines gain wider readership and more clicks than balanced reporting. Investors should not be swayed by noise created by the media as it generally only goes one way and should focus on market fundamentals and their own guiding principles. Otherwise, investors risk factoring in too much negativity to their decisions.
Money is cheap! How ready are we to take advantage?
Business confidence in our economic outlook has been deeply shaken, but with the government’s budget announcements, the approach taken by the Reserve Bank (RBNZ), low interest rates and the beginning normalisation of business activity across Asia and Australasia we can start to rationalise in what direction things are potentially going to travel.
What’s the right move
Being well positioned
Leaving a legacy for the grandchildren
What’s under the hood of your investment portfolio?
Visualise an investment plan for retirement
Every journey has a beginning. When it comes to investment what we save at the start of the journey finances what we need at the end of it. Seeking advice to ensure that investors have as much as possible when they enter retirement and are in need of supplementary income is an important part of the investment process.